The professional store check
When did you last do a store – check?
Without consequent and professional checks many things are just imagination or a subjective impression, or the judgement comes from a non professional attitude with too little experience.
To avoid mistakes like that, here is information and also a guide line how to make a store check which will give a relevant description based on more objective criteria.
A store – check is an excellent method for checking shop concepts with regard to their fitness according to different criteria.
The check is not only suitable for reviewing existing shops, but is also a very good guide for the development of new concepts.
The store check is carried out according to visual criteria, whereby the assesment is structured according to subject areas.
These should be drawn up by a pet business expert and evaluated in the form of a scale ( grades from 1 = extremely poor to 10 = particularly good ).
In addition to the necessary competence, the assessor is also provided with explanations of the contents of the individual criteria.
The written documentation on the checklist should be supported by photos!
Ideally, modular checklists ( by area ) are available for the shop checks.
It is also important to check for each check point whether this criterion is at all relevant for the respective shop.
If the evaluation of the store check reveals weaknesses, a more extensive, in – depth analysis is necessary including all available business figures.
Then the real work begins…
Please ask for my complete pet shop store check list at fritz@fritzgerke.com and / or my support.
I wish you very nice summer days and a great success with your business!
Stay healthy and be happy…
Yours Fritz Gerke
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