Benefit from my special expertise: your strengths will be highlighted more clearly and made more visible. Weaknesses are analysed and solutions worked out and developed…
Das biete ich Ihnen - Profitieren Sie von meinem Fachwissen, um in Ihrem Pet-Business noch besser zu werden.
Improvement of The Pricing
Pricing has by far the biggest infuence on the operating results and profit! I support you in many different ways to identify new possibilities to increase your margin by …

Improvement of The Presentations
I will support you to bring the products to life!
- How often do you check the assortment and put the product range to the test?
- I support you in organizing the categories in customer friendly modules and unique presentations.
- I will help to improve the combinations of the product range to increase the customer experience.
- I will bring ideas for a better cross – selling and more attractivity.
- I will bring ideas for implementing digital tools.
- Are all categories and sub – categories presented in a really customer friendly way or more in a way to make the organisation as easy as possible?
- How often do you reorganize existing modules?
- Are your presentations price – architecture orientated?
- Do you connect categories and sub – categories in a way that the customer has a benefit so that additional sales will be generated?

Improvement of The Assortment
I support you in finding missing products and new ideas around the assortment and I am able to connect you with new suppliers, especially in the accessory assortment.
- How often do you check the assortment and put the product range to the test?
- How do you find additional assortments?
- How do you manage to find and develop novelties?
- How do you manage a professional price architecture?
- How do you manage quality?
- How do you manage sustainability?
- How do you identify new developments?

Improvement of The Marketing
I support you to find new ideas and tools to be more attractive and visible. Your strengths will be more highlighted.

Improvement of The Shop Building and Shop Design
I support you to organize and re – organize the shop equipment. Categories will be newly composed, the overview for the customers will be improved and the products will be brought to life!

Improvement of The Store Organisation
I support you with my special store checks to find out possibilities to improve.
- Is there a clear and structured customer guidance – system in every store?
- Are there shelves which block the view to the customer?
- Are there clear tasks of maintenance which will be controlled regularly?
- Are there clear rules and responsibilities?
- Is everything designed for absolute customer satisfaction?

Improvement of The Development and deployment of the employees
I support you to find a way to teach the employees what customer focus can mean and to change mind sets about it.
- Does everybody know what he or she has to do?
- Does everybody have the right knowledge for the job?
- Is there a clear job description for everybody?
- How regularly are the employees trained?
- Which bonus programs are existing?
- Is there a clear and strict controlling regarding the agreements and tasks?