Observations and recommendations for the Walking category – Part 2
( This is the continuation from my newsletter number 1, published on June, 30th, 2022. ) Please send me an email if you miss it: fritz@fritzgerke.com
The walking – department should be a very important part of a specialized pet store.
It could help a lot to increase customer satisfaction, achieve many extra sales and significantly increase professional competences.
But, if things are done second or third class – it will also be a reason to be disappointed and unsatisfied and maybe the reason to change the store or move to an online solution or – even worse – do not buy anything.
Why do I call this product group WALKING – category, known as the leashes, collars and harnesses – product group?
WALKING goes further and encompasses everything which has to do with the dog outside the home:
You will walk your dog in different places, you will go on a trip, into the forest, to a vet, to a clinic or to a dog school. You will take your dog to a holiday accommodation or you will take your dog with you on holidays ( plane, car, train ), you will play in the water, on the beach or in the snow, you will do sports and so on. And you will walk well dressed to a city walk or to a party with the nicest fashion things you have.
In addition, there are millions of disabled/ impaired people and also many dogs have special needs whether they are younger or older…
Leashes, harnesses and/ or collars of various kinds are always needed, but there are many more things that are not or only partially included in the product group‘s arrangement and presentation.
Many times you have to cross the whole store and walk from one shelf to the other to find the necessary poo bags, a lightning tool, a snack bag, address tag or custume jewellery etc.
Also scarfs, a raincoat or wintercoat, seat belts for the car or just things that fits to the owner‘s fashion ideas should be arranged all together in the walking – department in a sales – promoting way.
But that is not all: what about a „ dog wardrobe “, a product where things can be stored in the entrance area of the flat or house for the dog ( leashes, collars, harnesses, poo bags, snack accessories, fashion accessories etc. ). Please check „ dog wardrobe “ on Instagram and you will be more than astonished!
One more time: the principle of these recommendations is that the customers has an overview of the whole walking – assortment and a support to have more ideas which help him to have more fun and comfort with the dog ( s ). The products must be awakened to life!
This is cross – selling by intuition and – if it will be done perfectly with the right promotions, decorations which stimulate new ideas and also digital additional tools ( will be shown in one of the next newsletters ) less staff will be needed. Not everybody likes support if it is not absolutely necessary. Also many consumers have informed themselves already online so that they want an easy and quick solution in the preferred store.
I will go forward with my ideas and solutions for a better walking – category in my newsletter number 3 which will be published in August.
Pingback: Observations in the Walking – Department - Part 1 - Fritz Gerke