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At the Global Pets Forum in April 2022 I had a very exciting conversation at the breakfast with Jodi Watson, a pet retail expert from the USA jodiwatson@gmail.com . The day before she had presented an amazing outlook into the future of pet retail.
We agreed that there are a lot of future tasks to be done like digitization, social media marketing, sustainability, the new demands of the consumers and many more…And then she said: „ In many cases I see the basics are still missing and that will be the biggest problem for the stores…“
This was my aha experience to take action and the idea of my special newsletter was born on this morning of April,27th,2022.
I will let all my expertise and experiences from the last 40 years in the pet business flow into this new free newsletter like I am doing it in my various consultations. Primarily my subject is to translate market observation, trend analysis and future orientation into practice and specific activities.
The idea is to create a wide network of pet – business people all over Europe and beyond, share thoughts and expertise, create new ideas, show interesting examples from the road and to develop the business.
But in a globalized world of increased speeds, which is constantly generating new and unpredictable changes, we must also find the time for the basics which are fundamental.
We have to repair the „ fence and to stop catching the chicken!
That is why these basic topics will have also a bigger platform in my newsletter and in my consultations:
- Pricing,
- Customer Service,
- Selling knowledge,
- Employee development,
- Presentation of products and combinations of product groups,
- Product know – how,
- Store organisation,
- Marketing
The main focus will be to strengthen the pet – retail and all parties who are involved in it. It is mandatory to upgrade the stores by focussing on the missing basics first and show the necessary steps into a fruitful future.
The consumer want a first – in – class – retail – experience.
Where customers shop should be a multifunctional place, a place not only to purchase items but rather enjoy the experience, have fun, learn and discover…
The products must be brought to life!
The exchange via this new regularly published free medium will boost creative ideas and inspires action.