The Future is now…
My personal oppinion is that a direct contact to the customer has always been first priority and it always will be.
The solution is not called analogue or digital.
The solution is always called Customer!
I have now 40 years of experience in the pet business in a wide range of positions and responsibilities, with the least time spent in the office. Direct customer contact has always been my first priority and will always be.
We have to understand that the customer is asking for more. He wants solutions, he wants ideas, he wants to be entertained, he is looking for adventures… The customer wants to be cared for, not supplied.
If we do not offer all this together the customer will be disappointed and he will walk away.
In my newsletters I will show step by step basic ideas and tasks to make your business better and more powerful but also show new ideas to improve…
„ The pessimist still laments inconsistencies of yesterday, while the optimist goes on a voyage of discovery to a fantastic tomorrow. “ ( Robert Bergmann )
Let us go on this voyage and be more successful together!
Yours Fritz Gerke

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