The Future is now…
Without any doubt, these are tough and demanding times. Due to digitalization, changes in consumer behavior, special global effects and much more, we are facing an era of upheavals.
But these are also times when you have to realign your coordinate system and a few basic considerations seem necessary.
This monthly newsletter will give support to show future necessaties but also put a strong focus on the basics which might not have been fully installed yet.
The goal is to install an information platform for the pet business with a focus on retail.
The law of the minimum, discovered by the German chemist Justus von Liebig, states that the plant nutrient that is available in the smallest quantity in relation to the requirement determines the yield.
That means the missing basics have a very important influence on our success and that is why this focus on the basics must be strengthened.
Step by step this newsletter will treat topics of different business categories.
It will show positive examples but also examples with opportunities of improvement. It will present interesting success stories but also new questions will be asked.
It will show new ways of category management, will give pricing ideas for more margin and profits and much more.
It also will try to build a stronger network among like minded people…
You often might overestimate what you can achieve in 12 months but you underestimate the possibilities of 5 focussed years.
Let us start and be more successful together!
Yours Fritz Gerke

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